With the rise in mobile working, most people are using their personal computers or desktops, which hugely aids the modern standard of living. Covid-19 was an instrumental factor in shifting the gear from being ‘in office’ to needing to work remotely. We have established that most people that have their own PCs are divided into two main operating systems – Mac or Windows. Most providers, such as IT support London, prefer to use Windows PC to operate, as Windows is the most compatible with various computer brands. Additionally, Windows has reinforced themselves as the top provider of business-oriented software.
PCs are known to have a life expectancy, and over time, it’s only mechanically fit for them to run their course. However, if you are an avid Windows user, then there are many aspects that you can do to keep your system running at the most optimal performance. Many a times, the most common issues seem to be the wear and tear of hardware, however, there are various ways in which you can bring your PC back to it most optimal performance. This article further discovers the most suitable ways to manage and keep up to speed with Windows.
1. Update Windows & All Your Device Drivers
Whenever there is a new operating system update, Windows be sures to issue it to all Windows users, whether its personal, work or school accounts. Many people are aware of these notifications and reminders, which may come across as an annoying disturbance, but its more important to install these updates. Your PC will not only achieve a better performance, but it will ensure that your data is secured as well. Adding to this, it also improves the stability of the operating system, and in turn can grant you more access to the latest features and technologies out there.
There are two types of windows updates – Windows (Microsoft) Updates and Cumulative Updates. Windows Updates ensures that your PC is up to speed with any patches that have been released. Whereas Cumulative Updates focus on improving and enhancing the functionality of apps and programs on the Windows Operating System. Many users struggle with taking step and trusting the process and advantage of these updates. Providers like managed IT services London, are avid Windows supporters who vouch for the importance of these updates. There is no harm in pushing through those bad habits of ignoring them, as they only offer great benefits to the user, essentially offering an optimal performance.
2. Limit the Applications on Start-up
Have you ever noticed when you start-up your PC, and some of the applications automatically open. This tool was setup to be of assistance – in a way that it configures how often you may use certain apps, therefore enabling an automatic start-up. In other cases, there are apps and programs that may run in the background and may startup without you noticing them. The reason for this is because some apps were designed to open on start-up.
Having many apps and programs open and running at the same time will enable your PC to use a lot more power. Your PC will need to work harder to multitask and provide computing power to all the opened apps, enabling your PC to slow down and contribute to poorer performance.
Below are a few tips to figure out which apps open on startup:
- Look at the Icon Tray on the right side of the taskbar, click ‘show hidden icons’ and you will be able to see which programs are running.
- To see which apps are running, Open ‘Task Manager’ (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) when you’ve turned on your PC.
3. Consider using ReadyBoost
Many a times, the reason for PC performance is due to your RAM being used too often. RAM (Random Access Memory) is a type of memory that leads the multitasking functions on your PC. RAM can be upgraded and replaced; however, it requires for your PC to be opened manually. If you are not this way inclined, then there is a program called ReadyBoost.
Microsoft has developed ReadyBoost as a software to allow for disk caching. It enables a range of external storage technologies to be used as cache between your PC’s hard drive and the random-access memory. The intention of this software is to improve the responsiveness between them, and ultimately improving your PCs performance.
ReadyBoost will be able to analyse a USB flash drive and determine how much free space is available for optimised memory. Below are the steps to take if you would like to use this function:
- Start by inserting a USB flash drive into your PC
- Go to ‘File Explorer’, and locate the USB flash drive
- Right click the USB flash drive, and select ‘Properties’
- In ‘Properties’ you should find a tab named ‘ReadyBoost’
- Select this and then select ‘Use this device’
- Select ‘OK’, and this space will be reserved for ReadyBoost.
We have identified the importance and rise in mobile working, and what it entails. Operating Systems like Windows provides users with durability within their device. Enabling your system updates, limiting the start-up applications, and considering memory saving software like ReadyBoost, will all help facilitate the idea of optimising the overall performance of your devices. Microsoft 365 Consultants are not only avid Windows supporters, but they are able to help you understand the importance of the system, and how it can best support you and your business in its performance longevity.